Low participation of women in politics threat to devt — Coalition

The Coalition said it was unacceptable that after 34 years of local governance, women currently constituted 4.1 per cent of elected members at the metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs) and 14.5 per cent of Members of Parliament (MPs).

Feb 22, 2024 - 08:51
Low participation of women in politics threat to devt — Coalition
Hamida Harrison (left), Convenor of the Women’s Manifesto Coalition, addressing participants in the press conference. Picture: EDNA SALVO-KOTEY

This excerpt highlights the significant gender disparity in political participation in Ghana, particularly concerning the low representation of women in both local and national decision-making bodies. Here's a breakdown of the key points and proposed actions mentioned:

  1. Current Situation:

    • Only 4.1% of elected members at the metropolitan, municipal, and district assemblies are women.
    • Women constitute 14.5% of Members of Parliament (MPs).
  2. Concerns Raised:

    • The widening gender gap in political decision-making is seen as detrimental to global efforts for parity.
    • Political party structures are cited as not favoring women, with recent parliamentary primaries exacerbating the inequality.
    • Financial barriers, including high campaign costs, further impede women's participation.
  3. Proposed Actions:

    • Demanding Fair Participation: Women's groups are urged to demand fair participation in political decision-making.
    • Quota System Implementation: Calls for implementing a quota system to ensure increased participation of women, especially in safe seats.
    • Training and Capacity-building: Political parties should institute training and capacity-building programs for women to prepare them for political roles.
    • Mentorship Programs: Specific mentorship systems should be established to build women's confidence in seeking political office.
    • Gender-sensitive Policies: Political parties should adopt internal policies that promote women's participation and eliminate gender discrimination.
    • Media Coverage: Media platforms are encouraged to provide fair coverage of women empowerment issues to address barriers effectively.
  4. Additional Suggestions:

    • Deliberate efforts should be made to appoint women to positions of responsibility beyond elective positions.
    • The media's role in highlighting women's participation in governance is emphasized as crucial for addressing barriers.

Overall, the excerpt underscores the urgent need for systemic changes within political parties and broader society to facilitate greater gender equality and women's participation in Ghanaian politics.

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